Southern Comfort Gaited Horse Club in the Treasure Valley, Southwestern Idaho

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Great Fun and Friends, Come Ride with us!

Now with Pleasure Trail Rides each month!



Southern Comfort Gaited Horse Club is for people who love sound, naturally gaited horses of all breeds, want to learn more about them, have fun, and meet other people who share these goals.  We promote activities highlighting the smooth ride and versatility of our gaited horses.  Pursuits include trail riding, competitions, shows, exhibitions, clinics and many other equine activities.  Owning a horse is not a requirement!








Poker Ride

Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

Eagle Island State Park

Click Here



Saturday, October 30th, 2010

Al Birt arena, Nampa ID

Click Here





Gaited horses are horse breeds that have natural gaited tendencies, that is, the ability to perform one of the smooth to ride, intermediate speed four-beat horse gaits, collectively referred to as ambling gaits.

Such breeds include the following:

·         American Saddlebred

·         Campolina

·         Icelandic horse

·         Mangalarga Marchador

·         Missouri Foxtrotter

·         Paso Fino

·         Peruvian Paso

·         Racking horse

·         Rocky Mountain Horse

·         Spotted Saddle horse

·         Tennessee Walker

·         Walkaloosa

·         Marwari horse

In most "gaited" breeds, an ambling gait is a hereditary trait. However, some representatives of these breeds may not always gait. Many horses can both trot and amble, and some naturally trotting horses of other breeds not listed above may have ambling or "gaited" ability, particularly with specialized training. Some horses Pace in addition to the amble, instead of trotting. However, pacing in gaited horses is generally discouraged. A few horses do not naturally trot or pace easily, they prefer their ambling gait for their standard intermediate speed.


Southern Comfort Gaited Horse Club of SouthWestern Idaho

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